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Event-Driven Servers

The simple server we have been examining has the problem that the `recv() call often finds that no data is yet available from the client, so the call “blocks” until data arrives. The time spent waiting, as we have seen, is time lost; it cannot be spent usefully by the server to answer requests from other clients.

But what if we avoided ever calling recv() until we knew that data had arrived from a particular client. The result would be an eventdriven server that sits in a tight loop watching many clients; I have written an example, shown in server_poll.

import lancelot
import select

listen_sock = lancelot.setup()
sockets = { listen_sock.fileno(): listen_sock }
requests = {}
responses = {}

poll = select.poll()
poll.register(listen_sock, select.POLLIN)

while True:
    for fd, event in poll.poll():
        sock = sockets[fd]

        # Removed closed sockets from our list.
        if event & (select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR | select.POLLNVAL):
            del sockets[fd]
            requests.pop(sock, None)
            responses.pop(sock, None)

        # Accept connections from new sockets.
        elif sock is listen_sock:
            newsock, sockname = sock.accept()
            fd = newsock.fileno()
            sockets[fd] = newsock
            poll.register(fd, select.POLLIN)
            requests[newsock] = ''

        # Collect incoming data until it forms a question.
        elif event & select.POLLIN:
            data = sock.recv(4096)
            if not data:      # end-of-file
                sock.close()  # makes POLLNVAL happen next time
            requests[sock] += data
            if '?' in requests[sock]:
                question = requests.pop(sock)
                answer = dict([question]
                poll.modify(sock, select.POLLOUT)
                responses[sock] = answer

        # Send out pieces of each reply until they are all sent.
        elif event & select.POLLOUT:
            response = responses.pop(sock)
            n = sock.send(response)
            if n < len(response):
                responses[sock] = response[n:]
                poll.modify(sock, select.POLLIN)
                requests[sock] = ''

The main loop in this program is controlled by the poll object, which is queried at the top of every iteration. The poll() call is a blocking call, the difference is that recv() has to wait on one single client, while poll() can wait on dozens or hundreds of clients, and return when any of them shows activity.

The way poll() works is that we tell it which sockets we need to monitor, and whether each socket interests us because we want to read from it or write to it. When one or more of the sockets are ready, poll() returns and provides a list of the sockets that we can now use.

To keep things straight when reading the code, think about the lifespan of one particular client and trace what happens to its socket and data.

  • The client will first do a connect(), and the server’s poll() call will return and declare that there is data ready on the main listening socket. That can mean only one thing, a new client has connected. So we accept() the connection and tell our poll object that we want to be notified when data becomes available for reading from the new socket. To make sure that the recv() and send() methods on the socket never block and freeze our event loop, we call the setblocking() socket method with the value False (which means “blocking is not allowed”).

  • When data becomes available, the incoming string is appended to whatever is already in the requests dictionary under the entry for that socket. ( sockets can safely be used as dictionary keys in Python)

  • We keep accepting more data until we see a question mark, at which point the Launcelot question is complete. The questions are so short that, in practice, they probably all arrive in the very first recv() from each socket; but just to be safe, we have to be prepared to make several recv() calls until the whole question has arrived. We then look up the appropriate answer, store it in the responses dictionary under the entry for this client socket, and tell the poll object that we no longer want to listen for more data from this client but instead want to be told when its socket can start accepting outgoing data.

  • Once a socket is ready for writing, we send as much of the answer as will fit into one send()call on the client socket. This, by the way, is a big reason send() returns a length: because if you use it in non-blocking mode, then it might be able to send only some of your bytes without making you wait for a buffer to drain back down.

  • Once this server has finished transmitting the answer, we tell the poll object to swap the client socket back over to being listened to for new incoming data.

  • After many question-answer exchanges, the client will finally close the connection. Oddly enough, the POLLHUP, POLLERR, and POLLNVAL circumstances that poll() can tell us about—all of which indicate that the connection has closed one way or another—are returned only if we are trying to write to the socket, not read from it. So when an attempt to read returns zero bytes, we have to tell the poll object that we now want to write to the socket so that we receive the official notification that the connection is closed.

Two things you should know
  • A slightly older mechanism for writing event-driven servers that listen to sockets is to use the select() call, which like poll() is available from the Python select module in the Standard Library. I recommend to use `poll() because it produces much cleaner code, but many people choose select() because it is supported on Windows.
  • When talking about event-driven servers, you should take into account the following: Event-Driven Servers are Blocking and Synchronous. Referring to the event - driven servers, like the one in, some people call them “non-blocking,” despite the fact that the poll() call blocks(they mean that it does not block waiting for any particular client), and others call them “asynchronous” despite the fact that the program executes its statements in their usual linear order.