Type the command line to make a list of open (listening) ports on your machine.For more clues, you can read 9.1 Secure services and security tips.Nevertheless you don't know, select solution to see the correct answer.
// Introduce on command_line the corresponding bash command line
var Command_line =
var Command_line= netstat -l | grep tcp;
assert(Command_line == netstat -l | grep tcp);
// This is context code available everywhere
// The user will be able to call magicFunc in his code
function magicFunc() {
return 3;
How can you see who connected to your system?:
for following a packetYou can know more about
command in the man page.
Using Iptables we want to let the packages just go through this system to be routed. Which command line is the correct one? :
Read more in Orders and parameters