Erle Robotics Learning Python GitBook Free

Exercises: Loops

Exercise 1

Write a program that generates a random number (0-10) and ask you to guess it. You have three asserts.

  • Define a random_number with randit between 0-10.
  • Initialize guesses_left to 3.
  • Use a while loop to let the user keep guessing so long as guesses_left is greater than zero.
  • Ask the user for their guess, just like the second example above.
  • If they guess correctly, print 'You win!' and break. Decrement guesses_left by one.
  • Use an else: case after your while loop to print:You lose.
Exercise 2

Create a for loop that prompts the user for a hobby 3 times, then appends each one to hobbies.

Exercise 3

REmember: The , character after our print statement means that our next print statement keeps printing on the same line. Let's filter out the letter 'A' from our string.

phrase = "A bird in the hand..."
  • Do the following for each character in the phrase.
  • If char is an 'A' or char is an 'a', print 'X', instead of char. Make sure to include the trailing comma.
  • Otherwise (else:), please print char, with the trailing comma.
Exercise 4

Define a function is_even that will take a number x as input.If x is even, then return True. Otherwise, return False. Note: even means that is divisible by two.Check if it works.

Exercise 5

Write a function called digit_sum that takes a positive integer n as input and returns the sum of all that number's digits.

Exercise 6

Let's try a factorial problem. To calculate the factorial of a non-negative integer x, just multiply all the integers from 1 through x. For example: 3! is equal to 123

Exercise 7

Scrabble is a game where players get points by spelling words. Words are scored by adding together the point values of each individual letter.Define a function scrabble_score that takes a string word as input and returns the equivalent scrabble score for that word.

score = {"a": 1, "c": 3, "b": 3, "e": 1, "d": 2, "g": 2,
         "f": 4, "i": 1, "h": 4, "k": 5, "j": 8, "m": 3,
         "l": 1, "o": 1, "n": 1, "q": 10, "p": 3, "s": 1,
         "r": 1, "u": 1, "t": 1, "w": 4, "v": 4, "y": 4,
         "x": 8, "z": 10}
Exercise 8

Define a function called count that has two arguments called sequence and item. Return the number of times the item occurs in the list.For example: count([1,2,1,1], 1) should return 3 (because 1 appears 3 times in the list).

Exercise 9

Write a function remove_duplicates that takes in a list and removes elements of the list that are the same.For example: remove_duplicates([1,1,2,2]) should return [1,2].


Exercise 1

Create a file:

from random import randint

# Generates a number from 1 through 10 inclusive
random_number = randint(1, 10)

guesses_left = 3
# Start your game!
while guesses_left>0:
    guess=int(raw_input("Enter your guess:"))
    if guess==random_number:
        print "You win"
    print "You lose"

And execute it.

Exercise 2
>>> hobbies = []
>>> for i in range(3):
...   hob=raw_input("Enter hobby:")
...   hobbies.append(hob)
Enter hobby:Shopping
Enter hobby:Swimming
Enter hobby:Golf
>>> print hobbies
['Shopping', 'Swimming', 'Golf']
Exercise 3
>>> phrase = "A bird in the hand..."
>>> for char in phrase:
...     if char == "A" or char == "a":
...         print "X",
...     else:
...         print char,
X   b i r d   i n   t h e   h X n d . . .
Exercise 4
>>> def is_even(x):
...     if x%2==0 :
...         return True
...     else:
...         return False
>>> is_even(7)
>>> is_even(8)
Exercise 5
>>> def digit_sum(n):
...     num=str(n)
...     count=0
...     for i in num:
...         add=int(i)
...         count=count+add
...     return count
>>> digit_sum(892)
Exercise 6
>>> def factorial(x):
...     count=1
...     for i in range(x):
...         count=count*(i+1)
...     return count
>>> factorial (12)
Exercise 7
>>> score = {"a": 1, "c": 3, "b": 3, "e": 1, "d": 2, "g": 2,
...          "f": 4, "i": 1, "h": 4, "k": 5, "j": 8, "m": 3,
...          "l": 1, "o": 1, "n": 1, "q": 10, "p": 3, "s": 1,
...          "r": 1, "u": 1, "t": 1, "w": 4, "v": 4, "y": 4,
...          "x": 8, "z": 10}
... def scrabble_score(word):
...     word=word.lower()
...     total=0
...     for let in word:
...         total=score[let]+ total
...     return total
>>> scrabble_score("Hello")
Exercise 8
>>> def count(sequence,item):
...     total=0
...     for x in sequence:
...      if x==item:
...         total+=1
...     return total
>>> count([1,2,1,1,1,3],1)
Exercise 9
>>> def remove_duplicates(lst):
...     result = []
...     for item in lst:
...         if item not in result:
...             result.append(item)
...     return result
>>> remove_duplicates([1,1,3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,3])
[1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]