Installing MAVProxy

Mavproxy is a tool we will use to analyse and control the flight logs. You will need to have Python 2.7 installed first. MAVProxy is hosted on PyPi and the installation packages can be found there: MAVProxy and MAVLink.


Linux users can use the PyPi program to get the needed packages:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Installing necessary packages

Some modules will be, probably, necessary.

sudo apt-get install python-opencv python-wxgtk2.8 python-matplotlib python-numpy python-serial python-pil libwxgtk2.8-dev libpython2.7-dev

Installing MAVProxy

Download and install MAVProxy. Note a sudo may be required in some circumstances if the install generates errors.

sudo pip install MAVProxy

Mac OS


The first thing we have to do It's to install MACPorts, this project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the OS X operating system. Here you can find all the necessary information to install macports.

Installing necessary packages

Some modules will be necessary.

sudo port install py27-serial
sudo port install py27-matplotlib
sudo port install py27-wxpython-2.8
sudo port install opencv
sudo port install py27-numpy
sudo port install py27-parsing
sudo port install py27-pil

Installing pip

MAVProxy is hosted on PyPi. You can use pipto install MAVProxy.

sudo port install py27-pip

Installing MAVProxy

Download and install MAVProxy. Note a sudo may be required in some circumstances if the install generates errors.

sudo pip-2.7 install MAVProxy

You can find in the following path:


You can find more Python script in the following path:
