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Downloading Messages Individually

E-mail messages can be quite large, and so can mail folders—many mail systems permit users to have hundreds or thousands of messages, that can each be 10MB or more. That kind of mailbox can easily exceed the RAM on the client machine if its contents are all downloaded at once, as in the previous example. To help network-based mail clients that do not want to keep local copies of every message, IMAP supports several operations besides the big “fetch the whole message” command that we saw in the previous section.

  • An e-mail’s headers can be downloaded as a block of text, separately from the message.
  • Particular headers from a message can be requested and returned.
  • The server can be asked to recursively explore and return an outline of the MIME structure of a message.
  • The text of particular sections of the message can be returned.

This allows IMAP clients to perform very efficient queries that download only the information they need to display for the user, decreasing the load on the IMAP server and the network, and allowing results to be displayed more quickly to the user. For an example of how a simple IMAP client works, examine, which puts together a number of ideas about browsing an IMAP account. Hopefully this provides more context than would be possible if these features were spread out over a half-dozen shorter program listings at this point in the chapter. You can see that the client consists of three concentric loops that each take input from the user as he or she views the list of mail folders, then the list of messages within a particular mail folder, and finally the sections of a specific message.

import getpass, sys
from imapclient import IMAPClient

    hostname, username = sys.argv[1:]
except ValueError:
    print 'usage: %s hostname username' % sys.argv[0]

banner = '-' * 72

c = IMAPClient(hostname, ssl=True)
    c.login(username, getpass.getpass())
except c.Error, e:
    print 'Could not log in:', e

def display_structure(structure, parentparts=[]):
    """Attractively display a given message structure."""

    # The whole body of the message is named 'TEXT'.

    if parentparts:
        name = '.'.join(parentparts)
        print 'HEADER'
        name = 'TEXT'

    # Print this part's designation and its MIME type.

    is_multipart = isinstance(structure[0], list)
    if is_multipart:
        parttype = 'multipart/%s' % structure[1].lower()
        parttype = ('%s/%s' % structure[:2]).lower()
    print '%-9s' % name, parttype,

    # For a multipart part, print all of its subordinate parts; for
    # other parts, print their disposition (if available).

    if is_multipart:
        subparts = structure[0]
        for i in range(len(subparts)):
            display_structure(subparts[i], parentparts + [ str(i + 1) ])
        if structure[6]:
            print 'size=%s' % structure[6],
        if structure[8]:
            disposition, namevalues = structure[8]
            print disposition,
            for i in range(0, len(namevalues), 2):
                print '%s=%r' % namevalues[i:i+2]

def explore_message(c, uid):
    """Let the user view various parts of a given message."""

    msgdict = c.fetch(uid, ['BODYSTRUCTURE', 'FLAGS'])

    while True:
        print 'Flags:',
        flaglist = msgdict[uid]['FLAGS']
        if flaglist:
            print ' '.join(flaglist)
            print 'none'
        reply = raw_input('Message %s - type a part name, or "q" to quit: '
                          % uid).strip()
        if reply.lower().startswith('q'):
        key = 'BODY[%s]' % reply
            msgdict2 = c.fetch(uid, [key])
        except c._imap.error:
            print 'Error - cannot fetch section %r' % reply
            content = msgdict2[uid][key]
            if content:
                print banner
                print content.strip()
                print banner
                print '(No such section)'

def explore_folder(c, name):
    """List the messages in folder `name` and let the user choose one."""

    while True:
        c.select_folder(name, readonly=True)
        msgdict = c.fetch('1:*', ['BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM SUBJECT)]',
                                  'FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE'])
        for uid in sorted(msgdict):
            items = msgdict[uid]
            print '%6d  %20s  %6d bytes  %s' % (
                uid, items['INTERNALDATE'], items['RFC822.SIZE'],
                ' '.join(items['FLAGS']))
            for i in items['BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM SUBJECT)]'].splitlines():
                print ' ' * 6, i.strip()

        reply = raw_input('Folder %s - type a message UID, or "q" to quit: '
                          % name).strip()
        if reply.lower().startswith('q'):
            reply = int(reply)
        except ValueError:
            print 'Please type an integer or "q" to quit'
            if reply in msgdict:
                explore_message(c, reply)


def explore_account(c):
    """Display the folders in this IMAP account and let the user choose one."""

    while True:

        folderflags = {}
        data = c.list_folders()
        for flags, delimiter, name in data:
            folderflags[name] = flags
        for name in sorted(folderflags.keys()):
            print '%-30s %s' % (name, ' '.join(folderflags[name]))

        reply = raw_input('Type a folder name, or "q" to quit: ').strip()
        if reply.lower().startswith('q'):
        if reply in folderflags:
            explore_folder(c, reply)
            print 'Error: no folder named', repr(reply)

if __name__ == '__main__':

You can see that the outer function uses a simple list_folders() call to present the user with a list of his or her mail folders, like some of the program listings we have seen already. Each folder’s IMAP flags are also displayed. This lets the program give the user a choice between folders:

INBOX \HasNoChildren
Receipts \HasNoChildren
Travel \HasNoChildren
Work \HasNoChildren
Type a folder name, or "q" to quit:
Once a user has selected a folder, things become more interesting: a summary has to be printed for
each message.Note that it is careful to use BODY.PEEK instead of BODY to fetch these items, since the IMAP
server would otherwise mark the messages as \Seen merely because they had been displayed in a
The results of this `fetch()` call are printed to the screen once an e-mail folder has been selected:

2703 2010-09-28 21:32:13 19129 bytes \Seen From: Brandon Craig Rhodes Subject: Digested Articles 2704 2010-09-28 23:03:45 15354 bytes Subject: Re: [venv] Building a virtual environment for offline testing From: "W. Craig Trader" 2705 2010-09-29 08:11:38 10694 bytes Subject: Re: [venv] Building a virtual environment for offline testing From: Hugo Lopes Tavares Folder INBOX - type a message UID, or "q" to quit: `` As you can see, the fact that several items of interest can be supplied to the IMAPfetch()` command lets us build fairly sophisticated message summaries with only a single round-trip to the server. One final note about the fetch() command: it lets you not only pull just the parts of a message that you need at any given moment, but also truncate them in case they are quite long and you just want to provide an excerpt from the beginning to tantalize the user.