Why to use C++?
The advantages in regard to write processor instructions are the followings:
- Conciseness: programming languages allow us to express common sequences of com
mands more concisely. C++ provides some especially powerful shorthands.
- Maintainability: modifying code is easier when it entails just a few text edits, instead
of rearranging hundreds of processor instructions. C++ is object oriented, which further improves maintainability.
- Portability: different processors make different instructions available. Programs writ
ten as text can be translated into instructions for many different processors; one of
C++’s strengths is that it can be used to write programs for nearly any processor.
C++ is a high-level language: when you write a program in it, the shorthands are sufficiently
expressive that you don’t need to worry about the details of processor instructions. C++ does
give access to some lower-level functionality than other languages (e.g. memory addresses).