Erle Robotics C++ GitBook

Pass by reference

So far we’ve been passing everything by value – makes a copy of the variable; changes to the variable within the function don’t occur outside the function . For example:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// pass-by-value

void increment(int a) {
 a = a + 1;
 cout << "a in increment " << a << endl;

int main() {
 int q = 3;
 increment(q); // does nothing
 cout << "q in main " << q << endl;

The result of this program is:

a in increment 4
q in main 3

As you can see the original variable has not been modified. If you want to modify the original variable as opposed to making a copy, pass the variable by reference (int &a instead of int a).

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//pass by-reference
void increment(int &a) {
 a = a + 1;
 cout << "a in increment " << a << endl;

int main() {
 int q = 3;
 increment(q); // works

The output is:

a in increment 4
q in main 4

As you can see the q value (in the main program) has been updated too.