Un piloto automático simplificado
Este módulo introduce un sencillo piloto automático programado en python
que ofrece las siguiente caraterísticas:
- Bucle de control usando Proporcional Integral Derivada (PID)
- 4 señales de salida utilizando PyBBIO
- Sensores de entrada,IMU (InvenSense MPU9150), a una frecuencia de 50Hz
- Enlace Bluetooth para proporcionar un entrada externa
El código se puede encontrar aqui. En las siguientes secciones se abordarán los diferentes módulos necesarios para implementaar un piloto automático sencillo
Esta clase (código en GitHub) pertime controlar los motores de velocidad mediante modulación de ancho de pulso (PWM).
class Motor:
""" @brief Class for interfacing with the motors.
The class controls the motors speed using the sysfs PWM provided
by Adafruit_BBIO.
The duty should be provided in the range (0,100) and the speed
in this range. The hardware is preset to satisfy the robot needs (two motors CW and two CCW)
@warning in previous versions the range (-100,100) was accepted. New code just accepts
values in the (0,100).
@note the hardware is installed in a way that the motors rotating direction is the one needed
(e.g.: 1,3 CW and 2,4 CCW)
def __init__(self, motor_number=1, max_speed=100, min_speed=0):
self.speed = 0;
# self.motor_pins_list = [["P9_14", "P9_16"],
# ["P8_19", "P8_13"],
# ["P9_22", "P9_21"],
# ["P9_42", "P9_28"]]
#self.motor_pins_list = ["P9_14", "P9_21","P9_22", "P9_42"]
self.motor_pins_list = ["P9_16", "P8_13","P9_21", "P9_28"]
Los pines complatibles eHRPWM( capaces de una alta resolución PWM). Consulta la hoja de características del procesador para más información.
if (motor_number > 4) or (motor_number < 1):
raise Exception("Motor number provided out of bounds! ([1-4])")
self.motor_number = motor_number # 1, 2, 3 or 4
self.max_speed= max_speed
self.min_speed= min_speed
y min_speed
ayudan mientras se esta testeando.
#self.frequency = 2000
self.frequency = 943
self.motor_pin = self.motor_pins_list[self.motor_number - 1]
#perform PWM initialization
# DC Brushed motors
# self.duty_IN1 = 0 # duty input 1 of the motor controller IC
# self.duty_IN2 = 0
# PWM.start(self.motor_pin[0], self.duty_IN1, self.frequency)
# PWM.start(self.motor_pin[1], self.duty_IN2, self.frequency)
La clase esta programada inicialmente para motores brushed y posteriormente fue adaptada para funcionar escobillas.
# DC Brushless motors
self.duty = 0
PWM.start(self.motor_pin, self.duty, self.frequency)
def setSpeed(self, speed):
""" @brief Set the duties according to the speed attribute for the DC Brushed motors
@warning Not to be used with the brushless configuration
if speed<=self.max_speed or speed>=self.min_speed:
if speed > 0:
self.duty_IN1 = abs(speed)
self.duty_IN2 = 0
self.duty_IN1 = 0
self.duty_IN2 = abs(speed)
raise Exception("Speed provided not in the [0,100] range!")
def setSpeedBrushless(self, speed):
""" @brief Set the duties according to the speed attribute for the DC Brushless motors
if speed<=self.max_speed or speed>=self.min_speed:
self.duty = speed
raise Exception("Speed provided not in the [0,100] range!")
después de ajustar la velocidad deseada con setSpeedBrushless
( el método brushed esta obsoleto), el método go
envía la acción cada ciclo al submodulo eHRPWM.
def go(self):
""" @brief update the motor PWM according to the class duty attributes
# DC Brushed motors
# PWM.set_duty_cycle(self.motor_pin[0],self.duty_IN1)
# PWM.set_duty_cycle(self.motor_pin[1],self.duty_IN2)
# DC Brushless motors
PWM.set_duty_cycle(self.motor_pin, self.duty)
La siguiente clase(código en GitHub) esta programada para el sensor InvenSense MPU9150. El código hace uso del controlador del sensor en Linux, compilado como una libreria compartida (libimu.so
) a través de python Ctypes
# array class
Vector3d_t = 3*c_float
# array class
Quaternion_t = 4*c_float
# struct with C types
class Mpudata_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [("rawGyro", c_short*3),
("rawAccel", c_short*3),
("rawQuat", c_long*4),
("dmpTimestamp", c_ulong),
("rawMag", c_short*4),
("magTimestamp", c_ulong),
("calibratedAccel", c_short*4),
("calibratedMag", c_short*4),
("fusedQuat", 4*c_float),
("fusedEuler", 3*c_float),
("lastDMPYaw", c_float),
("lastYaw", c_float)
Compatible con las definiciones de C-types.
class IMU:
""" Interface with the Inertial Measurement Unit.
The IMU consists of an InvenSense 9-axis MPU-9150. This sensor provides
readings from 3 accelerometers, 3 magnetometers and 3 gyroscopes.
Furthermore, the module has a DMP (Digital Motion Processor) integrated
that makes the calculations necessary to provide filtered outputs.
def __init__(self):
#TODO Set I2C interface, make sure that calibrations files are available and make some readings
# through ctypes.
self.lib = CDLL("/root/erle_control/imu/libimu.so")
self.i2c_bus = 2
self.lib.mpu9150_set_debug(0) # 1
self.sample_rate = 50 # 50 Hz
Se esta utilizando el sensor DMP porque lo que es lo más rápido que podemos funcionar.
self.yaw_mix_factor = 3
# initialize the IMU
res = self.lib.mpu9150_init(self.i2c_bus, self.sample_rate, self.yaw_mix_factor)
if res:
Exception("Error when initializing the IMU!")
El archico de calibración debería haber sido generado previamente. Comprueba el código del driver para más información.
# set calibration files
res = self.lib.set_cal(0, "./imu/accelcal.txt")
if res != 0:
Exception("Error while calibration: accelcal.txt")
res = self.lib.set_cal(1, "./imu/magcal.txt")
if res != 0:
Exception("Error while calibration: magcal.txt")
Los siguiente métodos reciben los datos de las funciones en C. Esto se hace para que el código pueda ser escrito en python pero usando el controlador escrito en C.
""" Reads the raw gyro data from the sensor.
pass a "timing = 1" parameter to measure the time for the measurement.
@return gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ
def read_rawGyro(self, timing = 0):
if timing:
start = clock()
while 1:
# Parameters to be passed by reference
x = c_short(0)
y = c_short(0)
z = c_short(0)
function = self.lib.read_rawGyro
function.argtypes = [POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float)]
res = function(byref(x), byref(y), byref(z))
if res == 0:
time_s = clock() - start
print time_s
return x.value, y.value, z.value
""" Reads fused euler angles
pass a "timing = 1" parameter to measure the time for the measurement.
@return eulerX, eulerY, eulerZ (degrees)
def read_fusedEuler(self, timing = 0):
if timing:
start = clock()
# DMP fused euler angles
fusedX = c_float(0)
fusedY = c_float(0)
fusedZ = c_float(0)
function = self.lib.read_fusedEuler
function.argtypes = [POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float)]
while 1:
res = function(byref(fusedX), byref(fusedY), byref(fusedZ))
# if timing:
# time_s = clock() - start
# print "before res:"+str(time_s)
if res == 0:
if timing:
time_s = clock() - start
print time_s
return fusedX.value, fusedY.value, fusedZ.value
# if the measurement is not ready yet, wait the sampling freq
""" Reads all the IMU sensor information and stores it into a Mpudata_t.
pass a "timing = 1" parameter to measure the time for the measurement.
TODO: Eventually substitute this way of getting data for a ctypes direct cast
def read_mpudata_t(self, timing = 0):
if timing:
start = clock()
while 1:
# Parameters to be passed by reference
# Raw gyro values
gyroX = c_short(0)
gyroY = c_short(0)
gyroZ = c_short(0)
# Raw accel values
accelX = c_short(0)
accelY = c_short(0)
accelZ = c_short(0)
# Raw quaternion values
quat1 = c_long(0)
quat2 = c_long(0)
quat3 = c_long(0)
quat4 = c_long(0)
# DMP timestamp
dmpTimestamp = c_ulong(0)
# Raw accel values
magX = c_short(0)
magY = c_short(0)
magZ = c_short(0)
# magnetometer timestamp
magTimestamp = c_ulong(0)
# Calibrated accelerometer values
calibratedAccelX = c_short(0)
calibratedAccelY = c_short(0)
calibratedAccelZ = c_short(0)
# Calibrated magnetometer values
calibratedMagX = c_short(0)
calibratedMagY = c_short(0)
calibratedMagZ = c_short(0)
# DMP fused quaternions
fusedQuat1 = c_float(0)
fusedQuat2 = c_float(0)
fusedQuat3 = c_float(0)
fusedQuat4 = c_float(0)
# DMP fused euler angles
fusedX = c_float(0)
fusedY = c_float(0)
fusedZ = c_float(0)
# Last DMP Yaw
lastDMPYaw = c_float(0)
# Last Yaw
lastYaw = c_float(0)
function = self.lib.read_mpudata_t
function.argtypes = [POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short),
POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short),
POINTER(c_long), POINTER(c_long), POINTER(c_long), POINTER(c_long),
POINTER(c_ulong),POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short),
POINTER(c_ulong),POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short),
POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short), POINTER(c_short),
POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float),
POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float),
POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float)]
res = function(byref(gyroX), byref(gyroY), byref(gyroZ),
byref(accelX), byref(accelY), byref(accelZ),
byref(quat1), byref(quat2), byref(quat3), byref(quat4),
byref(dmpTimestamp), byref(magX), byref(magY), byref(magZ),
byref(magTimestamp), byref(calibratedAccelX), byref(calibratedAccelY), byref(calibratedAccelZ),
byref(calibratedMagX), byref(calibratedMagY), byref(calibratedMagZ),
byref(fusedQuat1), byref(fusedQuat2), byref(fusedQuat3), byref(fusedQuat4),
byref(fusedX), byref(fusedY), byref(fusedZ), byref(lastDMPYaw), byref(lastYaw))
if res == 0:
if timing:
time_s = clock() - start
print time_s
# Construct an instance of Mpudata_t
mpudata_t = Mpudata_t(rawGyro = (c_short*3)(*[gyroX.value, gyroY.value, gyroZ.value]),
rawAccel = (c_short*3)(*[accelX.value, accelY.value, accelZ.value]),
rawQuat = (c_long*3)(*[quat1.value, quat2.value, quat3.value,quat4.value]),
dmpTimestamp = (c_ulong)(dmpTimestamp.value),
rawMag = (c_short*3)(*[magX.value, magY.value, magZ.value]),
magTimestamp = (c_ulong)(magTimestamp.value),
calibratedAccel = (c_float*3)(*[calibratedAccelX.value, calibratedAccelY.value, calibratedAccelZ.value]),
calibratedMag = (c_float*3)(*[calibratedMagX.value, calibratedMagY.value, calibratedMagZ.value]),
fusedQuat = (c_float*4)(*[fusedQuat1.value, fusedQuat2.value, fusedQuat3.value, fusedQuat4.value]),
fusedEuler = (c_float*3)(*[fusedX.value, fusedY.value, fusedZ.value]),
lastDMPYaw = (c_float)(lastDMPYaw),
lastYaw = (c_float)(lastYaw)
return mpudata_t
Esta clase (código en GitHub) implementa un sencillo algoritmo de control PID. Las ganancias K_p
(proporcional), K_d
(derivada) and K_i
(integral) se pueden pasar como parámetros al inicializar la clases.
class PID:
""" Simple PID control.
This class implements a simplistic PID control algorithm. When first
instantiated all the gain variables are set to zero, so calling
the method GenOut will just return zero.
def __init__(self, Kp = 1, Kd = 0, Ki = 0):
# initialze gains
self.Kp = Kp
self.Kd = Kd
self.Ki = Ki
Setters para las ganancias.
def SetKp(self, invar):
""" Set proportional gain. """
self.Kp = invar
def SetKi(self, invar):
""" Set integral gain. """
self.Ki = invar
def SetKd(self, invar):
""" Set derivative gain. """
self.Kd = invar
def SetPrevErr(self, preverr):
""" Set previous error value. """
self.prev_err = preverr
def Initialize(self):
# initialize delta t variables
self.currtm = time.time()
self.prevtm = self.currtm
self.prev_err = 0
# term result variables
self.Cp = 0
self.Ci = 0
self.Cd = 0
Un flag para la depuración
es incluido. Si esta a true
, el método update
de volvera verbose
def update(self, error, debug = 0):
""" Performs a PID computation and returns a control value based on
the elapsed time (dt) and the error signal from a summing junction
(the error parameter).
if debug:
print " ****************************"
print " PID Debug"
print " ****************************"
print " error:"+str(error)
self.currtm = time.time() # get t
dt = self.currtm - self.prevtm # get delta t
if debug:
print " dt:"+str(dt)
de = error - self.prev_err # get delta error
if debug:
print " de:"+str(de)
self.Cp = error # proportional term
if debug:
print " Proportional term (Cp*Kp):"+str(self.Cp)
self.Ci += error * dt # integral term
if debug:
print " Integral term (Ci*Ki):"+str(self.Ci * self.Ki)
self.Cd = 0
if dt > 0: # no div by zero
self.Cd = de/dt # derivative term
if debug:
print " Derivative term (Cd*Kd):"+str(self.Cd * self.Kd)
self.prevtm = self.currtm # save t for next pass
self.prev_err = error # save t-1 error
# sum the terms and return the result
terms_sum = self.Cp * self.Kp + (self.Ki * self.Ci) + (self.Kd * self.Cd)
implementa la ecuación del control PID.
\begin{equation}u(t) = K_p \cdot e(t) + K_i \int_0^t e(\tau) d\tau + K_d \frac{de(t)}{dt}\end{equation}
if debug:
print " Terms sum (self.Cp + (self.Ki * self.Ci) + (self.Kd * self.Cd)):"+str(terms_sum)
print " ****************************"
return terms_sum
PID Calibration
Respuesta CL | Tiempo de ascenso | OVERSHOOT | Tiempo de establecimiento | S-S ERROR |
Kp | Reducir | Incrementar | Pequeño cambio | Reducir |
Ki | Reducir | Incrementar | Increase | Eliminar |
Kd | Pequeño cambio | Reducir | Decrease | No cambiar |
Los quadricopteros son simetricos, por lo tanto se pueden establecer los mismo valores del PID para el pitch y roll. El valor de desvío no es tan importante como los de pitch y roll. Así que para comenzar se establecen los mismos valores para pitch y roll (aunque tal vez no sea lo mejor). Después de que su drone este relativamente estable, puede empezar a alterar las ganancias Yaw. Para drones no simétricos como Hexacopteros o Tricopteros, es posible que afinar el pitch y roll por separado, después de haber tenido un poco de experiencia de vuelo.
Ajuste de la P
Para la ganancia P, empezar poco a poco, hasta que se note que se esta produciendo la oscilación. El ajuste fino se realiza hasta que el movimiento no sea lento ni oscilaciones.
Ajuste de la I
Para la ganancia I, de nuevo empezar despacio e ir increcementado lentamente. Hay que prestar atención al tiempo que necesita para detenerse y estabilizarse. Se quiere llegar a un punto donde se estabilice muy rápido y que no se pase mucho tiempo dando vueltas. Para obtener un mejor valor de I se puede poner a prueba bajo condiciones de viento.
Ajuste de la D
Para la ganancia D, puede entrar en una complicada interacción con los valores P e I. Cuando se estabiliza la ganancia D, es necesario volver atrás y afinar P para mantener bien estabilizada la planta.
Modelo dinámico
Esta clase (código en GitHub) implementa el modelo dinámico del cuadricoptero:
class Dynamical_Model:
def __init__(self):
# general paramters
self.g = 9.806 # Gravity constant [m s^-2 ]
self.rho = 1.293 # Air density [kg m^-3]
self.nu = 1.8e-5 # Air viscosity at 20 degrees Celsius [Pa s]
# quadrotor parameters
self.P = 4 # number of propellers
self.L = 29.9974e-3 # Arm length [m]
self.Vol = 0.00281784516 # Volume [m3] (((86.36*86.36)/1000) *
self.m = 60e-3 # quadrotor mass [kg]
self.h = 17e-3 # Vertical distance between CoG and propellers plan [m] # (8*29.99/1000) * (1.5748/1000))
self.b = 3.13e-5 # thrust factor in hover [N s^2]
self.d = 7.5e-7 # drag factor in hover [N m s^2]
self.W_prop = (self.m * self.g)/self.P # weight of the quadrotor per propeller [N]
self.Omega_H = math.sqrt(self.W_prop/self.b) # propeller speed at hover
# propellers
self.N = 3 # Number of blades per propeller
self.R = 32.5e-3 # Propeller radius [m]
self.A = math.pi*math.pow(self.R, 2)# Propeller disk area [m^2]
self.c = 0.0394 # Chord [m]
self.theta_0 = 0.2618 # Pitch of incidence [rad]
self.theta_tw = 0.045 # Twist pitch [rad]
self.sigma = self.N * self.c/(math.pi * self.R) # Solidity ratio (rotor fill ratio) [rad^-1]
self.a = 5.7 # Lift slope
self.C_d = 0.052 # Airfoil drag coefficient
self.A_c = 0.005 # Helicopter center hub area [m^2]
# Longitudinal drag coefficients
self.Cx = 1.32
self.Cy = 1.32
self.Cz = 1.32
# Inertia components [kg m^2]
self.Ixx = 6.228e-3
self.Iyy = 6.228e-3
self.Izz = 1.121e-2
# motor parameters
# TODO complete the motor parameters
self.k_m = 1 #TODO # torque constant
self.tau = 1 #TODO # motor time constant
self.eta = 1 #TODO # motor efficiency
self.Omega_0 = 1 #TODO # point of linearization of the rotor speeds
self.r = 4 # Reduction ratio
self.J_t = 6.0100e-5 # Rotor inertia [kg m^2]
# matrix for calculating the motor voltages from the control inputs
self.m = np.matrix( ((1/(4*self.b),0, 1/(2*self.b), -1/(4*self.b)),
(1/(4*self.b),-1/(2*self.b), 0, 1/(4*self.b)),
(1/(4*self.b),0, -1/(2*self.b), -1/(4*self.b)),
(1/(4*self.b),1/(2*self.b), 0 , 1/(4*self.b))) )
""" Compute the motor voltages from the control inputs following M.Wieremma MS thesis (MSc_thesis_X-UFO). Keep in mind when
passing parameters the following correspondences.
- U1: thrust
- U2: roll
- U3: pitch
- U4: yaw
@returns: u=[u_m1, u_m2, u_m3, u_m3], motor voltages
def motor_inversion1(self, thrust, roll, pitch, yaw, logging = 0):
# the control inputs
U = np.array( ((thrust, roll, pitch, yaw)) )
Um = np.matrix(U).T
# the motor voltages
u = (self.k_m * self.tau) * ((1/self.tau + 2*self.d*self.Omega_0/(self.eta*np.power(self.r,3)*self.J_t))\
* np.sqrt(np.dot(self.m,U))- self.d*np.power(self.Omega_0,3)/(self.eta*np.power(self.r,3)*self.J_t))
# u comes in the form [[ 351.0911185 117.65355114 286.29403363 nan]] where nan denotes that this value
# should be put to 0
# values goes more or less up to 1500 so they are divided by 15 so that they fall in the 0-100 range.
if math.isnan(u[0,0]):
motorPowerM1 = 0
motorPowerM1 = u[0,0]/15
if math.isnan(u[0,1]):
motorPowerM2 = 0
motorPowerM2 = u[0,1]/15
if math.isnan(u[0,2]):
motorPowerM3 = 0
motorPowerM3 = u[0,2]/15
if math.isnan(u[0,3]):
motorPowerM4 = 0
motorPowerM4 = u[0,3]/15
if logging:
#Log the motor powers:
print "------------------------"
print "motorPowerM1 (method 1):" + str(motorPowerM1)
print "motorPowerM2 (method 1):" + str(motorPowerM2)
print "motorPowerM3 (method 1):" + str(motorPowerM3)
print "motorPowerM4 (method 1):" + str(motorPowerM4)
print "**************************"
ur = [motorPowerM1, motorPowerM2, motorPowerM3, motorPowerM4] # to be limited
return ur
""" Compute the motor voltages from the control inputs
following bitcraze Crazyflie implementation.
@returns: u=[u_m1, u_m2, u_m3, u_m3], motor voltages
def motor_inversion2(self, thrust, roll, pitch, yaw, logging = 0):
motorPowerM1 = thrust + pitch + yaw
motorPowerM2 = thrust - roll - yaw
motorPowerM3 = thrust - pitch + yaw
motorPowerM4 = thrust + roll - yaw
if logging:
#Log the motor powers:
print "------------------------"
print "motorPowerM1 (method 2):" + str(motorPowerM1)
print "motorPowerM2 (method 2):" + str(motorPowerM2)
print "motorPowerM3 (method 2):" + str(motorPowerM3)
print "motorPowerM4 (method 2):" + str(motorPowerM4)
print "**************************"
ur = [motorPowerM1, motorPowerM2, motorPowerM3, motorPowerM4] # to be limited
return ur
""" Compute the motor voltages from the control inputs
using a HACKED version of the implementation used in the crazyflie.
This hack is because the reference frames of Erle are different from the ones
adopted by the crazyflie.
M1 <-> M3
M2 <-> M4
@returns: u=[u_m1, u_m2, u_m3, u_m3], motor voltages
def motor_inversion3(self, thrust, roll, pitch, yaw, logging = 0):
motorPowerM3 = thrust + pitch + yaw
motorPowerM4 = thrust - roll - yaw
motorPowerM1 = thrust - pitch + yaw
motorPowerM2 = thrust + roll - yaw
if logging:
#Log the motor powers:
print "------------------------"
print "motorPowerM1 (method 3):" + str(motorPowerM1)
print "motorPowerM2 (method 3):" + str(motorPowerM2)
print "motorPowerM3 (method 3):" + str(motorPowerM3)
print "motorPowerM4 (method 3):" + str(motorPowerM4)
print "**************************"
ur = [motorPowerM1, motorPowerM2, motorPowerM3, motorPowerM4] # to be limited
return ur
""" Compute the motor voltages from the control inputs following M.Wieremma MS thesis (MSc_thesis_X-UFO).
Keep in mind when passing parameters the following correspondences.
- U1: thrust
- U2: roll
- U3: pitch
- U4: yaw
@returns: u=[u_m1, u_m2, u_m3, u_m3], motor voltages
def motor_inversion4(self, thrust, roll, pitch, yaw, logging = 0):
# the control inputs
U = np.array( ((thrust, roll, pitch, yaw)) )
Um = np.matrix(U).T
# the motor voltages
u = (self.k_m * self.tau) * ((1/self.tau + 2*self.d*self.Omega_0/(self.eta*np.power(self.r,3)*self.J_t))\
* np.sqrt(np.dot(self.m,U))- self.d*np.power(self.Omega_0,3)/(self.eta*np.power(self.r,3)*self.J_t))
# u comes in the form [[ 351.0911185 117.65355114 286.29403363 nan]] where nan denotes that this value
# should be put to 0
# values goes more or less up to 1500 so they are divided by 15 so that they fall in the 0-100 range.
if math.isnan(u[0,0]):
motorPowerM3 = 0
motorPowerM3 = u[0,0]/15
if math.isnan(u[0,1]):
motorPowerM4 = 0
motorPowerM4 = u[0,1]/15
if math.isnan(u[0,2]):
motorPowerM1 = 0
motorPowerM1 = u[0,2]/15
if math.isnan(u[0,3]):
motorPowerM2 = 0
motorPowerM2 = u[0,3]/15
if logging:
#Log the motor powers:
print "------------------------"
print "motorPowerM1 (method 4):" + str(motorPowerM1)
print "motorPowerM2 (method 4):" + str(motorPowerM2)
print "motorPowerM3 (method 4):" + str(motorPowerM3)
print "motorPowerM4 (method 4):" + str(motorPowerM4)
print "**************************"
ur = [motorPowerM1, motorPowerM2, motorPowerM3, motorPowerM4] # to be limited
return ur
Controlador Bluetooth
Esta clase (Código en GitHub) crea un servidor bluetooth que espera conexiones entrantes. Pertime al piloto automático recivir la entradas desde el exterior (Por ejemplo usando una aplicación Android)
class BT_Controller:
def __init__(self, thrust_d = 0, pitch_d = 0, roll_d = 0, yaw_d = 0):
self.thrust_d = thrust_d
self.pitch_d = pitch_d
self.roll_d = roll_d
self.yaw_d = yaw_d
self.t = threading.Thread(target=self.server, args = (self.thrust_d,))
def getThrust(self):
return self.thrust_d
def run(self):
self.t.daemon = True
# t.join()
def stop(self):
def server(self, thrust):
while True:
server_sock=BluetoothSocket( RFCOMM )
port = server_sock.getsockname()[1]
uuid = "00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
advertise_service( server_sock, "SampleServer",
service_id = uuid,
service_classes = [ uuid, SERIAL_PORT_CLASS ],
profiles = [ SERIAL_PORT_PROFILE ],
# protocols = [ OBEX_UUID ]
print("Waiting for connection on RFCOMM channel %d" % port)
client_sock, client_info = server_sock.accept()
print("Accepted connection from ", client_info)
while True:
data = client_sock.recv(1024)
if len(data) == 0: break
firstByte = data[0]
firstByte_hexlify = binascii.hexlify(data[0])
if firstByte == "U":
The received data follows the following pattern:
55 [U]
01 [left joystick "intensity"]
05 [left joystick "angle"]
00 [right joystick "intensity"]
00 [right joystick "angle"]
# print "U received"
# print "thrust: "+str(int(binascii.hexlify(data[1]),16)*10)
self.thrust_d = int(binascii.hexlify(data[1]),16)*10
elif firstByte == "T":
print "T received"
elif firstByte == "A":
print "A received"
elif firstByte == "B":
print "B received"
elif firstByte == "C":
print "C received"
elif firstByte == "D":
print "D received"
# print data
print "-----not recognized-----"
for d in data:
print binascii.hexlify(d)
except IOError:
Por ahora solo las entradas que se usan están cableadas.
La siguiente clase (código en GitHub) reúne todos los elementos anteriores y ejecuta el bucle de estabilización a 50 Hz.
import os
from subprocess import call
from imu import IMU
from motors import Motor
from pid import PID
from time import sleep
import datetime as dt
from dynamical_model import Dynamical_Model
import signal
import sys
from bt_controller import BT_Controller
When testing is important to power off the motors when the
script is stoped through SIGINT
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print 'Setting all motors to 0...'
for mot in motors:
# calculate the frequency of the main loop
sum = 0
for f in frequencies:
print "average frequency (Hz): "+str(sum/len(frequencies))
print "minimum frequency (Hz): "+str(min(frequencies))
print "killing the controller thread (bt thread)..."
# # stop bt-controller NOT WORKING
# bt.stop()
Este controlador esta programado para que cuando se prescione Ctrl+C
detenga el script de estabilización, el robot no continua funcionando (o incluso se vuelve loco).El controlador, establece la velocidad de motores a 0 y da salida a una medida de la velocidad de actualización de la IMU.
""" Limits the thrust passed to the motors
in the range (-100,100)
def limitThrust(thrust, upperLimit = 100, lowerLimit = 0):
if thrust > upperLimit:
thrust = upperLimit
elif thrust < lowerLimit:
thrust = lowerLimit
return thrust
Esta función permite limitar la potencia. Es util para pruebas. Asegurate de utilizarlo si lo utilizas en casa y ten cuidado con las lamparas.
# Set the handler for SIGINT
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
# Activate I2C-2
retvalue = os.system("/bin/echo BB-I2C1 > $SLOTS")
# Activate the motors with the init script
retvalue = os.system("/usr/bin/python /root/erle_control/init_motors.py")
# First time the IMU sensor raises an error (probably an error with the firmware or so). The following program readies the sensor to work properly:
#retvalue = os.system("/root/erle_control/imu/imu -b 2")
call(["/root/erle_control/imu/imu", "-b2"])
# variables
logging = 0
limit_thrust = 70
roll_d = 0
pitch_d = 0
yaw_d = 0
z_d = 0
#xpos = 0
#ypos = 0
# attitude constants
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
Kp = float(sys.argv[1])
Kd = float(sys.argv[2])
Ki = float(sys.argv[3])
Kp = 0.9
Kd = 0.2
Ki = 0
#instantiate the BT controller
bt = BT_Controller(z_d)
#instantiate IMU
#TODO see how to import C interface to python
# dynamical model instance
dyn_model = Dynamical_Model()
#instantiate motors and put them together in a list
# instantiate PID controllers
rollPID=PID(Kp, Kd, Ki) # Kp, Kd, Ki
pitchPID=PID(Kp, Kd, Ki)
yawPID=PID(0, 0, 0)
zPID=PID(1, 0, 0)
#xposPID=PID(-0.09, -0.1, 0)
#yposPID=PID(-0.09, -0.1, 0)
# test variables
frequencies = []
if logging:
print "------------------------"
print " stabilize loop "
print "------------------------"
This is the main loop. Data is acquired from the IMU (using the DMP), the PIDs are updated and the output is forwarded to the motors.
while 1:
start = dt.datetime.now()
# process the input from the controller
z_d = bt.getThrust()
# print "z_d: "+str(z_d)
# pitch, roll and yaw DESIRED, get FROM THE TELEOPERATOR (for now, global vars are used)
# roll_d = 0
# pitch_d = 0
# yaw_d = 0
# z_d = 10
# #xpos = 0
# #ypos = 0
#Measure angles
#roll_m, pitch_m, yaw_m = imu.read_fusedEuler()
roll_m, pitch_m, yaw_m = imu.read_fusedEuler(0)
#MyKalman.measure([roll,pitch, yaw])
z_m = 0 # putting this is the same as telling it to always increase the thrust (go up)
#Run the PIDs
roll = rollPID.update(roll_d - roll_m, 0)
pitch = pitchPID.update(pitch_d - pitch_m, 0)
yaw = yawPID.update(yaw_d - yaw_m, 0)
z = zPID.update(z_d - z_m, 0)
#xpos = xposPID.update(xpos_d - xpos_m)
#ypos = yposPID.update(ypos_d - ypos_m)
#TODO change this parameter and see the behaviour
#thrust is provided by the controller (NOTE: this is also treated as "z" and it should use the zPID controller)
# the point of hovering is 35% duty cycle in the motors
if logging:
#Log the values:
print "**************************"
print "Desired angles:"
print " pitch:" + str(pitch_d)
print " roll:" + str(roll_d)
print " yaw:" + str(yaw_d)
print " z:" + str(z_d)
print "Measured angles:"
print " pitch:" + str(pitch_m)
print " roll:" + str(roll_m)
print " yaw:" + str(yaw_m)
# print " thrust (z):" + str(z_d) # maybe using some sensor?
print "PID output angles:"
print " pitch:" + str(pitch)
print " roll:" + str(roll)
print " yaw:" + str(yaw)
print " z:" + str(z)
# using M. Wieremma's thesis
#u = dyn_model.motor_inversion1(z, roll, pitch, yaw, logging)
# using Crazyflie's implementation
#u = dyn_model.motor_inversion2(z, roll, pitch, yaw, logging)
# using Crazyflie's HACKED implementation
#u = dyn_model.motor_inversion3(z, roll, pitch, yaw, logging)
# using M. Wieremma's thesis HACKED impl
u = dyn_model.motor_inversion4(z, roll, pitch, yaw, logging)
#if the controller says that the thrust is 0, all motors to 0
if z_d == 0:
motorPowerM1 = 0;
motorPowerM2 = 0;
motorPowerM3 = 0;
motorPowerM4 = 0;
motorPowerM1 = limitThrust(u[0], limit_thrust);
motorPowerM2 = limitThrust(u[1], limit_thrust);
motorPowerM3 = limitThrust(u[2], limit_thrust);
motorPowerM4 = limitThrust(u[3], limit_thrust);
if logging:
#Log the motor powers:
print "------------------------"
print "motorPowerM1 (limited):" + str(motorPowerM1)
print "motorPowerM2 (limited):" + str(motorPowerM2)
print "motorPowerM3 (limited):" + str(motorPowerM3)
print "motorPowerM4 (limited):" + str(motorPowerM4)
print "**************************"
#Set motor speeds
#Start Motors
for mot in motors:
#Kalman Prediction
# calculate the time each iteration takes
time_u = (dt.datetime.now() - start).microseconds
time_s = time_u/1e6
frequency = 1e6/time_u
# force 50 Hz loop
if time_s < 20e-3: #50 Hz
sleep(20e-3 - time_s)
# # force 60 Hz loop
# if time_s < 16.66e-3: #50 Hz
# sleep(16.66e-3 - time_s)
# # force 70 Hz loop
# if time_s < 14.28e-3: #50 Hz
# sleep(14.28e-3 - time_s)
time_u = (dt.datetime.now() - start).microseconds
frequency = 1e6/time_u
La salida de este algoritmo se puede ver aqui y aqui. Nada mal para un piloto automático, ¿verdad?
Sin embargo, hay mucho margen de mejora. He aquí algunas sugerencias:
- Un driver en Python para el MPU9150 que reciba datos en bruto de los giroscopios y magnetómetros y acelerómetros.
- Implementar un modulo/método/función que devuelva los ángulos de Euler o Quaterniones desde los datos en bruto.
- Implementar un filtro de Kalman.
- Mejorar los 50 Hz a 100 Hz o más (para ellos las dos sugerencias anteriores deben de llevarse a cabo).
No dude en contactar con nosotros si está interesado en continuar aprendiendo.